Click here to view scores of the 2024 Ken Hanlin skeet-trap league
Week 6: Sun, a bit of a cold breeze and an early frost greeted us this final league morning. The colorful leaves have mostly fallen leaving a brown background, possibly making it easier to track birds. Other than weeks one and three, we had beautiful weather for this time of year.
There was just one 25, in trap by Joel Stewart, but six 24’s. Three in skeet and three in trap. Guess that means that each discipline is nearly equal in difficulty. However, Joel’s 20 in skeet opened the door for Jim Courtwright to take HOA first (284-$90) with Jim firing a steady 24 in both skeet and trap. Joel then taking HOA R/U (279-$60).
In skeet, George Kirik (143-$45) maintained his lead from week five over Steve Anderson (140-$30) to take the skeet top spot with Steve taking R/U.
In trap, due to the “one prize per shooter” rule, Howard Maille (136-$45) took first with Gary Dickerson (133-$30) taking R/U. Howard, you left before the prize money was handed out, so if you should read this, stop out to receive it.
Thanks to all who participated and especially to those who worked to put this league on. We at UCSC would encourage anyone looking to “give back” and lend a hand, be it scoring, loading targets, working the kitchen, or whatever. Many hands make light work.
UCSC will continue to be open each Sunday throughout the winter with shooting hours from about 9:00 to 1:00. We could also use a hand before 9:00 to clear snow if necessary, so again, lend a hand if at all possible. Many thanks, and we’ll see you around the end of February for the winter version of our skeet/trap league.
Week 5: Frost greeted us this sunny Sunday morning. A taste of what’s to come I’m afraid. With one week left to go, Jim Courtwright and Joel Stewart are neck and neck for both the top HOA total and trap total. Just as a reminder though, league rules state that a shooter may only win one prize so break every target you can. There are only two targets separating the top HOA, two for trap, and just one for skeet. See you next week for the league finale, but the club will be open every Sunday through the winter, except in the event of serious weather. Shooting is generally from about 9:00 to 1:00, so come on out and keep your shooting muscles strong!
Week 4: Perfect fall weather, period. It can’t get better than this. The leaves are at their colorful peak, so if you weren’t out there with us this weekend, you missed out. After four 25 straights last week with it’s not so perfect weather, we had none this week. How do you figure? We have two tied for the skeet lead and two others tied for the trap top spot. HOA is lead with a 188 with 2nd place just two back. Got you curious? Check out the scores by clicking the link above. See you all next week!
Week 3: Cloudy, cool, mist, light rain, and fog. We saw it all but the white stuff. We had three 25’s today; Larry Price in skeet but Steve Wall managed to be just our third ever to run both rounds of skeet and trap. Great shooting Steve! We had seven shooters who decided to sit this day out with maybe hopes of catching better weather next week, always a “crap shoot”, if you will ;>). See you next week.
Week 2: Sunny and warm, not what early October is normally like. We currently have 30 shooters in our league which translates to $300 in prize money to award at the end. We welcome two brand new participants namely Howard Maille and young David Sundean. Keep fighting, you still have 4 weeks to make up ground. See you next Sunday!
Week 1: Cloudy and drizzly were the words for the first edition of our “Fall Classic”. We had 22 shooters this first week with a few maybe waiting for better weather next week. We welcome three new shooters to our league namely Jim Shields and Scott and Sheryl Sundean. Regulars, if you see someone you don’t know, introduce yourself and gain a new friend!
Our wishes for a speedy recovery go out to another new friend Tom Cook who came out this week only to suffer a medical emergency and was taken to an area hospital. Hope to see you soon Tom!
For those new members or league participants, our 6 week league is named in honor of our member Ken, who passed away a few years ago.
Rules and fees:
Sign up times 9:00am to 1:00pm.
One time prize fee $10.00.
Target fee $10.00 per week.
Prizes: 1st & 2nd skeet; 1st & 2nd trap; & high HOA & 2nd. (One prize per shooter). Payouts from total prize fund calculated thusly: HOA 1st 30%, 2nd 20%. Skeet & trap 1st 15%, 2nd 10%.
Shooters may shoot ahead and behind one time, but all other rounds must be shot on date specified. For instance, you could shoot the 1st & 2nd scores on week 1 and 5th & 6th scores on week 6, but week 3 & 4 must be shot on date specified.
All NSSA & ATA rules apply.